1. According to the following two papers, what are the current issues of Web accessibility in the Web 2.0 era? Please write a 500 word essay.
Web 2.0: hype or happiness?
Mary Zajicek
Pages: 35 - 39
Full text available: Pdf(290 KB)
Enabling an accessible web 2.0
Becky Gibson
Pages: 1 - 6
Full text available: Pdf(344 KB)
2. 針對前次作業遊記的部分,挑選至少五篇你覺得很用心的文章,針對寫作技巧與文章內涵給予建設性的評語。
2008年10月27日 星期一
Lab: More on HTML
1. Copy and paste the Headings example athttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_primary.asp
2. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
3. What kind of effects can you see?
4. Copy and paste the Headings example athttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp
5. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
6. What kind of effects can you see?
1. Copy and paste the Headings example athttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_primary.asp
2. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
3. What kind of effects can you see?
4. Copy and paste the Headings example athttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp
5. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
6. What kind of effects can you see?
1. Using Microsoft Notepad, Copy and paste the HTML example atIntroduction to HTML
2. Save the file as myfile.html
3. Open the file using Firefox.
New editor
4. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
5. Copy and paste the HTML example at Introduction to HTML
6. Verify your results on the screen.
1. Using Microsoft Notepad, Copy and paste the HTML example atIntroduction to HTML
2. Save the file as myfile.html
3. Open the file using Firefox.
New editor
4. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
5. Copy and paste the HTML example at Introduction to HTML
6. Verify your results on the screen.
HTML & Accessibility
- What is web accessibility?
- Accessible search engine
- Use accesskeys
Lab: Accessibility by GreaseMonkey
- Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26. more
Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results.
- AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined atwww.ocac.gov.tw www.epa.gov.tw
- Continued from 3, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.
http://dia.z6i.org/ (中文)
Lab: Tongwen
At Firefox installed with Greasemonkey, install the Simplified-to-Traditional character conversion tool Lab Tongwen.
2008年10月20日 星期一
Homework 10-20-2008
1. 參考 PageRank-Google 決定搜尋排名的關鍵技術
以及Google.com 網站的官方解釋,簡要說明PageRank原理。
2. Essay Writing on Google Docs (>500 Words)
參考新蘇格蘭遊記,撰寫一篇你自己的秋日遊記。Use text, Google Maps, Photos, etc. as you like.
Invite your friends to write comments.
3. 關於你前ㄧ次散文作品,經過一個月之後你得到多少篇回應? 其中多少贊同,多少異議,多少具有實質內容?
以及Google.com 網站的官方解釋,簡要說明PageRank原理。
2. Essay Writing on Google Docs (>500 Words)
參考新蘇格蘭遊記,撰寫一篇你自己的秋日遊記。Use text, Google Maps, Photos, etc. as you like.
Invite your friends to write comments.
3. 關於你前ㄧ次散文作品,經過一個月之後你得到多少篇回應? 其中多少贊同,多少異議,多少具有實質內容?
Lab: Clean Language
1. Save the JavaScript file of Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, save the JavaScript on your desk top. Use Notepad editor to make changes. Install the modified script as Greasemonkey.
2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.
3. Try whether the filtering take effects.
2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.
3. Try whether the filtering take effects.
Lab: Greasemonkey
Install Greasemonkey 0.8. Check the lower right corner of your Firefox and you should find a monkey at the right. Note that you must run the
- Cookie Monster - Show cookie contents: Shows the contents of the current page cookie. Just mouse over the "Cookie" text on the bottom left. Check what cookies http://www.nytimes.com writes to you. Does our class blog use cookie or not? Does Google use cookie?
- You can turn off Greasemonkey by clicking on the monkey face at the URL bar of Firefox. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.
- Install Web Developer Toolbar to examine cookies.
- JavaScript, client side language turning homepage documents into rich user experiences
- Cookie, what it is and how it works
- GreaseMonkey, post-processing the webpages for Firefox
Lab: Web Pageranking
在Firefox上安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)
紐約時報 http://www.nytimes.com
CNN http://www.cnn.com/
PageRank 介紹
PageRank 的論文
Google 廣告獲利模式
紐約時報 http://www.nytimes.com
CNN http://www.cnn.com/
PageRank 介紹
PageRank 的論文
Google 廣告獲利模式
2008年10月6日 星期一
Homework 10/06/2008
1. 請閱讀數篇其他同學的部落格(上次作業第一題),選擇其中三位同學在她(他)的部落格上,針對其散文給予評語或建議。
2. 關於你的散文作品,你得到多少篇回應? 其中多少贊同,多少異議,多少缺乏實質內容(灌水,你好帥之類)? 這些回應對你有幫助嗎?
3. 部落格是一種社會媒體,根據What is social media?ㄧ文,比較社會媒體與其他媒體之不同。
4. 網站提供 RSS 內容餵送(feed) 有何好處?
5. Firefox 與 IE 市佔率如何? Browser market share
6. 比較個人化入口網,與常見商業入口網的差別。例如廣告,內容,應用,服務,個人化程度等等各方面的比較。
2. 關於你的散文作品,你得到多少篇回應? 其中多少贊同,多少異議,多少缺乏實質內容(灌水,你好帥之類)? 這些回應對你有幫助嗎?
3. 部落格是一種社會媒體,根據What is social media?ㄧ文,比較社會媒體與其他媒體之不同。
4. 網站提供 RSS 內容餵送(feed) 有何好處?
5. Firefox 與 IE 市佔率如何? Browser market share
6. 比較個人化入口網,與常見商業入口網的差別。例如廣告,內容,應用,服務,個人化程度等等各方面的比較。
7. Comment on the article Serious potential in Google's Browser
Lab: Chrome
Install Google Browser Google Chrome and Firefox 3.0, try a few websites and compare their performance. For example, youtube, blogspot, msn, and yahoo.
2008年10月4日 星期六
Lab: Google Docs
1. Go to Google Docs. Google Docs lets you write Word documents through an online web service.
2. Start writing.
3. Publish the Word document.
4. What's the URL of your document.
5. Add the Google Docs to your personal portal. At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.
6. Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.
Hint: This is a sample Word document.
News coverage:
Google “Docs & Spreadsheets” Launches ,Oct 2006
2. Start writing.
3. Publish the Word document.
4. What's the URL of your document.
5. Add the Google Docs to your personal portal. At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.
6. Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.
Hint: This is a sample Word document.
News coverage:
Google “Docs & Spreadsheets” Launches ,Oct 2006
Lab: Personal Portal
1. Enter
The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.
2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.
3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Group, Google Calendar, and GMail. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.
The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.
2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.
3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Group, Google Calendar, and GMail. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.
Lab: RSS Reader
1. Enter Google Reader
2. Try the following
- iapblog.blogspot.com
- http://www.cna.com.tw/
- New York Times
- http://yourblog.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default
2008年10月2日 星期四
文章 (Atom)