2. 一篇部落格是否只能使用一個標籤,如果不是,請舉出反例。 參考標籤(tag,或稱label)的定義,使用標籤有什麼好處? 標籤與分類有何不同?
3. 閱讀 Ten steps to better blogs, 然後寫下你的心得。
4. Install Google Browser Google Chrome and Firefox 3.0, try a few websites and compare their performance. For example, youtube, blogspot, msn, and yahoo.
5. Watch the video recording of KF Lee's keynote speech on WWW 2008 Beijing on Cloud computing. Feel free to write what you think.
5. Watch the video recording of KF Lee's keynote speech on WWW 2008 Beijing on Cloud computing. Feel free to write what you think.
Due 9/29/2008 at 18:00. Please write your homework on your own blog.
老師,我在學校圖書館無法下載"Ten steps to better blogs"這篇文章。9526215 電子三乙 吳國志
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