2005年12月16日 星期五


SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
* Using Digital Certificate, Digital Signature, Public Key Encryption, Hash (Message Digest)
* Instead of encrypting the sender's original text, only the session key generated by the sender is encrypted by the receiver's public key.
* The session key is valid throughout a session and not any longer.
* SSL is proposed by Netscape, Inc.
* https is actually http enhanced by SSL. https uses port 443 while http uses port 80.


1. Try Yam membership enrollment
for using SSL encrypted Internet communications.
2. Note the lock at the lower right corner is secured when SSL is enabled.
3. Click the lock icon and a message window should pop up.
4. What kind of encryption is used in this SSL? How many bits are there in the encryption key?
5. Who issued the certificate you are seeing? (Who is the certificate authority, CA, for this website?)
6. Until when is the certificate valid?
7. What kind(s) of hash is/are used in the CA's digital signature?
8. How many bits are there in the hash(es)?


1. Sign a file. Send this file to Friend A & Friend B. Verify that both of them can read your signature.

2. Sign a file and encrypt this file and signature using A's public key. Email it to A and B. What will happen?


1. Download PGP Desktop 9.0
2. Install PGP using

In the process of installation assistant, generate your key pairs and allow your public key to go public at keyserver.pgp.com so that your friends can use it.

3 Check your email. Record your public key and the finger print at the Comment below this blog posting. What's the key length PGP generates?

4. Use your Friend A's public key to encrypt a file, using PGP zip. Email this encrypted file to your Friend A and Friend B. Verify that A can decrypt the file while B cannot.

You are invited to do Part II of Lab PGP.

FAQ: What's PGP?

12-30-2005 Internet Security

Internet Security


12-16-2005 Class

Web Services Applications

Network Security:
Hash functions
Lab Hash

Lecture on network secutiry and the theory of public key

Lecture on network secutiry and the theory of public key
(Chapter 3 of Textbook)

Secrect Key

*a key for encryption is also for decryption
*fast encryption and decryption
*problem with key distribution
*problem with keeping many keys

Public Key

*private key and public key
*public usually posted on an open directory
*private key must be kept in absolute private to oneself
*good for encryption and signature

Hash function
*fixed length of 128 or 256 bits

Digital Signature
* privated key encrypted fingerprint of a plain text
*transmitted along with the plain text for verification

Man-in-the-middle attack

Digital Certificate
* Public Key signed with Certificate Authority

12/16/2005 Lab Hash

1. Install SlavaSoft HashCalc
2. Open the file readme.txt of this software
3. Calculate the cash.
4. Open another copy of HashCalc
5. Open the file readme.txt and delete the first space fo the file.
6. Calculate the hash of the modified file.
7. Compare the hashes of two files.

2005年12月14日 星期三



星際小孩 http://astrokid.blogspot.com/
芳鄰成長園 http://chang212.blogspot.com/
Reflection http://www.chieftain.idv.tw/archives/category/education/

思考如何以部落格小眾媒體的特性, 提出一個具有小眾或大眾社會影響力的部落格經營提案,
這當中包含閱讀對象選定, 主題設定, 內容與架構規劃, 常態性經營, 預計達成指標值與影響力預估,

題目可以環繞你所參加的社團, 你的家鄉或社區, 你的分享與關心, 你的朋友, 高中同學, 電影, 音樂, 學業, 生涯,
試著以部落格創造凝聚力, 進而引起注意或發揮影響力.

實際建構此部落格, 並且提出或實際展現你的經營之道.

1. 實作不限於 www.blogger.com 你可以自由挑選部落格, 但是請勿
2. 請於此公佈你的成果網址.
3. 成果繳交日期: 1/17/2006

2005年12月9日 星期五

Lab Web Service II

"we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"

Test Drive a web service
1. Click Stock Quote and play with this operation
2. Enter IBM as symbol and see what you get in the result.

3. Copy the response XML from this web service, which is a SOAP message, into a text file called quote.xml and prepare for transformation as described in the next step.

4. Based on
the method of Lab XSLT,
write an XSLT and transform the result XML into an HTML.

2005年11月18日 星期五

11-18-2005 Homework

reference: XML

12-02-2005 XML


sample XML file

[weather type="Current conditions"]

sample XSLT file


[xsl:template match="weather"]
[H1][xsl:value-of select="@type"/][/H1]

[xsl:template match="temp"]
[LI]Temperature [xsl:apply-templates/]°F[/LI]

[xsl:template match="wind"]
[LI]Wind [xsl:apply-templates/]mph[/LI]

[xsl:template match="text()"]
[xsl:value-of select="."/]


2005年11月14日 星期一

11-18-2005 HTML and CGI Form

HTML and CGI Form

Web Services

References: Web Service

Extensive list
of web services

1. find the best rate of USD remission
2. Zip Code
3. Stock Quote

4. purchase a Hawaii tour with ait tkts, hotel, car rental and golf course

What is SOAP?

SOAP is the Simple Object Access Protocol. It is used for information exchange and RPC, usually (but not necessarily) over HTTP. More information can be found at:

Developmentor SOAP FAQ: http://www.soaprpc.com/faqs/SoapFAQ.html

W3C specifications: http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/

What is WSDL?

WSDL is the Web Service Description Language. It provides a formal description of a web service, much like CORBA's IDL. The WSDL file is all you need to know how to call the web service; toolkits can generate proxy code from a WSDL file directly. The official WSDL definition is at http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl.

Lab Web Services: Test drive a web service with XML.

Lab Google Search Web Service

"nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment"

Explore Google search web service.

Developers write software programs that connect remotely to the Google Web APIs service. Communication is performed via the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an XML-based mechanism for exchanging typed information.

If you have questions, you can check into FAQ.

1. Take a close look at Web Service Description Language (WSDL 1.1) description of interface for Google searching

2. Download the web service API of Google search at http://www.google.com/apis/download.html
The download package includes
Google's own Java wrapper for the API SOAP calls
JAF 1.0.1 (activation.jar)

3. You need to create an account at Google to use the web service. Be sure to have an email box to receive the license key.
If you don't, just use this one nQ4ETIdQFHKlGxLZjj+2c8klYflwDzoK

4. Open the DOS command window and prepare to run Java.
java -cp googleapi.jar com.google.soap.search.GoogleAPIDemo [key] search Foo

Where [key] is your registration key and Foo is the item you wish to
search for.

5. Take a close look at the XML output, which is the result of your search.

Lab Web Services

"we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"

Test Drive a web service
1. Take a look at the schema of Zip Code Web Service.
2. Use the lincense key eUhOTOJs9D2mcHU6SiL0CyMQvpJ3I3PqR2/fpRq4BOApWxzSzw7wD2FQ2mOmHEk+pq6iRBomQ4wuQl5EGOgfCitYgkQ3N4vl
to use this web service or subsbcribe to it at Zip codes lookup To apply for the license key by yourselves, be sure to have an email box to receive it.
2. Click GetPlacesInside and play with this operation
3. Enter 61801 as zip code and see what you get in the result.
4. Try again 92345 as zip code. Based on
the method of Lab XSLT,
write an XSLT and transform the result XML into an HTML.

Question: Why do you need a license key to use the service?

Lab Form and Action

"logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere"

How to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI.

1. Copy the search box of this search page,
inlcuding radio buttons, text input, and submit button.
2. Open your Nvu HTML editor.
3. Open a new empty HTML file.
4. Paste the search box into this new file.

5. Add a Form to this search box.

6. Set Action="http://google.com/search" and name of Form as "f" and method as "get"
(See Hint if it does not work.)
7. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

8. Set method as "post"
9. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?


"tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

(page 188~193 of Text)

Lab Form and Action: Using HTML Form


1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.

2. Given the the XML file and XSLT file ,
use Xray to do the transformation of the XML into HTML.
You have to replace [ with <.

3. View the formatted HTML file.


Take a look at islandwide temperatures of Taiwan.

What happens if you just want Taoyuan's temperature?

If you want to include Taoyuan's temperature in your Theme
Park homepage, is there any solution?

XML examples:

the need of XML

  • Separation of data from data processor
  • Seperation of data from presentation
    • HTML for machine-human interaction
    • XML can be formatted to HTML according to formartting rules called XSLT. To see it, do Lab XSLT.

  • Automation of data flow across various business systems
    • XML for machine-machine interaction
    • Without human involvement, automation of business systems can be accelerated.

    Lab XSLT: Apply an XML style sheet to generate an HTML file from XML.

    2005年11月5日 星期六

    11-04-2005 Homework

    1. Find 10 websites which are web accessible using Freego or web tool at http://enable.nat.gov.tw
    (references from http://enable.nat.gov.tw)

    2. Reading Assignments

    (page 188~193 of Text)

    Understanding XML
    (page 187~188 of Text)

    3. Bring the Textbook on 11-18-2005.

    2005年10月28日 星期五

    Lab NVu Part II

    5. Make the webpage accessible by
    (1) adding ALT text to the images and
    (2) adding a title to the URL link at Step 4.
    6. Take a second look at the HTML 標籤, HTML 原始碼
    Look for the differences you have made after doing Step 4 & Step 5.
    7. Save your editings again and preview your webpage using Firefox
    8. Download web accessibility validator Freego
    9. Use Freego to examine whether your webpage is accessible.
    "通過"的欄位應該是 Yes 才算通過

    Lab NVu

    Use Nvu to edit a homepage
    like the blog at http://maplepoem.blogspot.com/2005/03/blog-post_111070085865304732.html

    1. You can copy and paste the content to your Nvu.
    2. Take a look at the HTML 標籤, HTML 原始碼
    3. Save your editings and preview your webpage using Firefox
    4. Create a clickable link at the term 中原大學 so that
    this link goes to http://www.cycu.edu.tw

    Lab Subscription by Firefox RSS

    1. Open Firefox
    2. Enter Ctrl-B to activate Bookmark.
    3. Go to http://news.yam.com
    and look for the subscription button at the lower right corner.
    4. Make the subscription step by step.
    5. Take a look at the Bookmark at your left. Open the Yam News and start browsing news pieces.

    11-04-2005 Accessible HTML

    Accessible HTML

    Lab NVu Part II

    Evolutions of Web Applications Systems
    (Chapter 2 of Textbook)

    10-28-2005 Homework

    1. What is content rating? List 3 methods.
    2. Do Exercise Firefox RSS
    3. Reading Assignment:
    Introduction to Internet
    hypertext, http, WWW
    (page 181~187 of Text)
    4. Reading Assignment:
    Read Appendix A of Textbook.

    Bring Textbook next class.

    Lab Tongwen

    Install Tongwen 同文堂

    1. Go to Firefox Top 15 downloads
    2. Install Tongwen
    3. Visit Sina.cn
    4. Convert Simplified Chinese into Traditional Chinese

    Lab Hello

    Install Picasa

    Install Hello

    Use Picasa to select a picture

    Use the Robot in Hello to upload the selected picture to your blog.

    Go to your blog and check whether the upload is a success.

    2005年10月26日 星期三

    10-28 hypertext, http, WWW

    Introduction to Internet
    hypertext, http, WWW
    (page 181~187 of Text)

    Lab NVu: Create a homepage using Nvu (up to Step 4.)

    2005年10月21日 星期五

    Homework 10-21-2005

    Lab Google search key

    2. What is cookie? What's the benefit and risk?

    3. Do Problem 1, 2 of Textbook on P.194.

    Lab Google Search Key

    1. Save the JavaScript file of [WWW]Google Access Keys to your desktop.
    2. Make changes to the code the script use "/" instead of using ","
    3. To do this, use NVU to create a HTML that contains link to the modified JavaScript on your desk top. The link should read as file:///C:/myPath/myJS.js
    4. Load the HTML file to Firefox.
    5. Uninstall the previous script and install the new script now.
    6. Try whether the new access keys take effects.

    Lab Clean Language

    1. Save the JavaScript file of [WWW]Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, use NVU to create a HTML that contains link to the modified JavaScript on your desk top. Load the HTML file to Firefox. Install the script as Greasemonkey.

    2. Use NVU to create a HTML that contains some bad words.

    3. Use Firefox to view the HTML with bad words. Try whether the filtering take effects.

    Lab Greasemonkey

    1. Install Greasemonkey 0.3.3. Check the lower right corner of your Firefox and you should find a monkey over there.

    2. Learn how to use Greasemonkey. Install the following JavaScript and answer the questions one by one.

    3. AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined at www.ocac.gov.tw www.epa.gov.tw
    4. Continued from 3, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.
    5. Animated Firefox Download Counter: Display a counter of the number of firefox downloads in the upper right corner of pages.
    6. Cookie Monster - Show cookie contents ver 0.1: Shows the contents of the current page cookie. Just mouse over the "Cookie" text on the bottom left. Check what cookies tw.yahoo.com and yam.com write to you. Does our class blog use cookie or not? Does Google use cookie?
    7. Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26. more
    8. Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results using ALT-"," and ALT-".". more

    9. You can turn off Greasemonkey by clicking on the monkey face at your lower right corner of Firefox. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.

    10/21 Greasemonkey over Firefox

    Greasemonkey over Firefox.

    2005年10月14日 星期五

    Homework 10/14: Get the most from Google-3

    1. Use the keyword "禽流感" or "bird flu" "avian flu" to locate 3
    authority bird flu websites. Write down the URLs of the 3 sites on your blog.

    2.List 3 methods of bird flu control, including the URLs you cite.

    3. Avian dispersal may be a viable method of making H5N1 virus carried by migratory birds hard to infect poultry farms. List and write down 3 methods of avian dispersal and explain why.

    logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere"

    Get the most from Google-2

    1. Use the keyword "禽流感" or "bird flu" "avian flu" to locate 3
    authority bird flu websites. Write down the URLs of the 3 sites on your blog.

    2.List 3 methods of bird flu control, including the URLs you cite and explain why.

    3. Avian dispersal may be a viable method of making H5N1 virus carried by migratory birds hard to infect poultry farms. List and write down 3 methods of avian dispersal.

    tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

    Get the most from Google-1

    1. Use the keyword "禽流感" or "bird flu" "avian flu" to locate 3
    authority bird flu websites. Write down the URLs of the 3 sites and why on your blog.

    2.List 3 methods of bird flu control, including the URLs you cite.

    3. Avian dispersal may be a viable method of making H5N1 virus carried by migratory birds hard to infect poultry farms. List and write down 3 methods of avian dispersal.

    nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment"

    2005年9月30日 星期五

    10/7 No Class

    Because Professor is going to a conference, we don't have class on 10/7.
    To be rescheduled at some other time.

    Homework 9/30

    "tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

    1. Finish Lab Shopping comparison.

    2. Why are Skype so successful as VoIP software?

    Reading Assignments

    1. Skype, Gizmo, and Google Talk

    2. Read Appendix A of Textbook.

    3. Please comment the following news coverage in your own blog.

    聖誕老人麋鹿被軍機嚇死 丹麥軍方賠16萬

    Lab Shopping e-Stores

    Compare Amazon,
    Yam Shopping, and PCHome Shopping.

    Name 3 features of each.

    "logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere"

    Lab Blogger

    1. 留言顯示驗證詞
    2. 正確設定時區顯示時間
    3. 測試他人可否留言(comment)
    4. 設定每當有人在您的 Blog 上留下意見時,Blogger會寄電子郵件到您的這個email

    Lab Homepage Creation

    Introduction to Internet
    hypertext, http, WWW
    (page 181~187 of Text)

    features of Skype


    Related link about Skype, Gizmo, and Google Talk

    2005年9月23日 星期五

    Homework 9/23

    Get familiar with Firefox

    Hands on Lab
    1. Easy control of font size (try ctrl+ & ctrl- as many times as you like)
    2. tabbed browsing (try ctrlT)
    3. RSS feed, and support of Blog. Use the RSS feed from http://iapblog.blogspot.com/
    to subscribe to it. Also subscribe to your own blog.

    If your Firefox didn't work, you should check settings about proxy. It should be set as proxy.cycu.edu.tw at port 3128.

    2. Why there are 8 bits in a byte? 7 bits should suffice to represent English well.

    Features of Firefox


    Lab earth.google.com

    Enter earth.google.com
    and use Earth Google to locate CYCU.

    Lab Firefox

    What are the features of Firefox?
    Compare it with Microsoft IE and list at least 5 features.

    2005年9月16日 星期五


    Time: Friday at 13:10~16:00

    Place: 電子 416

    Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, Proactiveness) 50%, Homework 50%

    Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang

    Email: yjchang@cycu.edu.tw

    Teaching Assistant:



    1. 張耀仁,劉永信, 電子商務系統, 高立書局, 20011月三版.

    Course Outline

    1. 網際網路的趨勢

    Firefox, RSS, Blog, Google, Skype, VoIP, P2P, All IP Network

    2. 網際網路基本概念

    Origin, Evolution, WWW, HTTP

    (Chapter 2 of textbook)

    3. Web 技術

    State of the art, N-Tier architecture, HTML, CGI, Database, design for scalability

    (Appendix of textbook)

    4. Web Services


    5. 網路安全系統設計

    Public Key Infrastructure, Digital Signature, SSL, Firewall, NAT, Watermark

    (Chapter 3 of textbook)

    6. 無障礙網路空間設計

    Accessibility, principles, implementations, verification, certification

    Skype, Gizmo, and Google Talk


    eBay acquires Skype

    search results of related coverage.

    Homework 1 09/16/2005

    Important notices. Please read it first.

    1. Try to change the settings of your blog to let it look nicer, for example,
    a better look and feel by a new template, able to show Chinese and local Taipei time, anti-vandalism, and so on.

    2. Take a look at a very classic blog http://www.chieftain.idv.tw
    What can you learn from this blog?

    3. Install Skype and try it. What's your user experience?

    Bonus Problem

    4. In your opinions, why do eBay want to merge Skype?

    Reading Assignments

    5. eBay acquires Skype.

    6. Skype, Gizmo, and Google Talk

    7. Read Appendix A of Textbook.

    Due 09/23/2005 at 13:00

    Lab 1

    Register your blog on the following comments.

    Why blog?

    1. Use google to search for number of users that already blog.
    2. Tour total track of record at 4-year campus life. Good for all courses taken under one account.
    3. Turn in exercises and homework
    4. Leave essences of study materials for self recorder or open discussions
    5. Teachers leave their comments and suggestions any time. Personally but openly.
    6. Maintain regular discussion no matter where you are.

    Things to learn about Blog

    1. Use Gif verification to prevent vandalism.
    2. Blog supports subscription
    3. Locale & Time Zone
    4. Hello for picture blogging
    5. Create embedded link
    6. Drafts or Publish
    7. Multiple blogs under one account
    8. Template selection

    2005年9月7日 星期三


    中華電信HiNet的ADSL用戶數約為266萬戶,數位聯合電信用戶數約20餘萬戶,各民營業者的寬頻用戶約有60萬至80萬戶。台灣網路資訊中 心(TWNIC)的調查指出,上半年台灣地區上網人口約1,466萬人,上網率達64.78%,寬頻網路使用人數約1,053萬人,約占總人口 54.70%。


    2005年6月6日 星期一

    Lab PGP Part II

    1. Sign a file. Send this file to Friend A & Friend B. Verify that both of them can read your signature.

    2. Sign a file and encrypt this file and signature using A's public key. Email it to A and B. What will happen?

    2005年5月30日 星期一

    Lab SSL

    1. Try Yam membership enrollment
    for using SSL encrypted Internet communications.
    2. Note the lock at the lower right corner is secured when SSL is enabled.
    3. Click the lock icon and a message window should pop up.
    4. What kind of encryption is used in this SSL? How many bits are there in the encryption key?
    5. Who issued the certificate you are seeing? (Who is the certificate authority, CA, for this website?)
    6. Until when is the certificate valid?
    7. What kind(s) of hash is/are used in the CA's digital signature?
    8. How many bits are there in the hash(es)?

    6/6 SSL

    SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
    * Using Digital Certificate, Digital Signature, Public Key Encryption, Hash (Message Digest)
    * Instead of encrypting the sender's original text, only the session key generated by the sender is encrypted by the receiver's public key.
    * The session key is valid throughout a session and not any longer.
    * SSL is proposed by Netscape, Inc.
    * https is actually http enhanced by SSL. https uses port 443 while http uses port 80.

    Do Lab SSL

    Do Lab PGP

    Do Lab PGP Part II

    2005年5月23日 星期一

    5/23 Homework

    Use the following JavaScript
    commands to write
    a GreaseMonkey script
    so that the webpage you assigned reloads itself
    every 60 seconds.


    2005年5月19日 星期四

    Lab Clean Language

    1. Save the JavaScript file of [WWW]Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, use NVU to create a HTML that contains link to the modified JavaScript on your desk top. Load the HTML file to Firefox. Install the script as Greasemonkey.

    2. Use NVU to create a HTML that contains some bad words.

    3. Use Firefox to view the HTML with bad words. Try whether the filtering take effects.

    2005年5月18日 星期三

    Lab Google Access Keys

    1. Save the JavaScript file of [WWW]Google Access Keys to your desktop.
    2. Make changes to the code the script use "/" instead of using ","
    3. To do this, use NVU to create a HTML that contains link to the modified JavaScript on your desk top. The link should read as file:///C:/myPath/myJS.js
    4. Load the HTML file to Firefox.
    5. Uninstall the previous script and install the new script now.
    6. Try whether the new access keys take effects.

    2005年5月17日 星期二

    6/6 Bonus Homework

    1. Read the paper about the weak public key issue of PGP.
    Is this really a problem to PGP 9.0? Why?

    5/30 network secutiry and the theory of public key

    Lecture on network secutiry and the theory of public key
    (Chapter 3 of Textbook)

    Secrect Key

    *a key for encryption is also for decryption
    *fast encryption and decryption
    *problem with key distribution
    *problem with keeping many keys

    Public Key

    *private key and public key
    *public usually posted on an open directory
    *private key must be kept in absolute private to oneself
    *good for encryption and signature

    Hash function
    *fixed length of 128 or 256 bits

    do Lab Hash

    Digital Signature
    * privated key encrypted fingerprint of a plain text
    *transmitted along with the plain text for verification

    Man-in-the-middle attack

    Digital Certificate
    * Public Key signed with Certificate Authority

    Lab Greasemonkey

    1. Install Greasemonkey 0.3.3. Check the lower right corner of your Firefox and you should find a monkey over there.

    2. Learn how to use Greasemonkey. Install the following JavaScript and answer the questions one by one.

    3. [WWW]AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined at www.ocac.gov.tw www.epa.gov.tw
    4. Continued from 3, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.
    5. [WWW]Animated Firefox Download Counter: Display a counter of the number of firefox downloads in the upper right corner of pages.
    6. [WWW]Cookie Monster - Show cookie contents ver 0.1: Shows the contents of the current page cookie. Just mouse over the "Cookie" text on the bottom left. Check what cookies tw.yahoo.com and yam.com write to you. Does our class blog use cookie or not? Does Google use cookie?
    7. [WWW]Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26. [WWW]more
    8. [WWW]Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results using "," and ".". [WWW]more

    9. You can turn off Greasemonkey by clicking on the monkey face at your lower right corner of Firefox. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.

    5/23 User Side Scripts

    User Side Scripts

    Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension which lets you to add bits of DHTML ("user scripts") to any web page to change its behavior. The JavaScript changes the behavior of the downloaded webpage before the page is shown on the browser.

    Lab Greasemonkey

    Lab Google Access Keys

    Lab Clean Language

    2005年5月16日 星期一

    5/16 Homework

    1. Problem 3 on Page 58
    2. Problem 4 on Page 58

    Lab Hello

    Install Picasa

    Install Hello

    Use Picasa to select a picture

    Use the Robot in Hello to upload the selected picture to your blog.

    Go to your blog and check whether the upload is a success.

    5/16 WWW Programming

    WWW Programming

    Server side script
    * Microsoft ASP
    * Java JSP

    (A script is an interpreted language.)

    Server Side Component
    * DCOM
    * Javabeans

    Client Side Script
    * JavaScript
    * Microsoft VBScript

    (Often used as pre-processing and post-processing.)

    Client Side Component
    *ActiveX e.g. www.iflim.com
    * Java Applet
    * Flash e.g. news.yam.com

    Client Side Applications
    * Standalone Applications e.g. Hello

    Repeat Lab Tongwen in class

    Do Lab Hello

    Recent development

    2005年5月10日 星期二

    Lab Hash

    1. Install SlavaSoft HashCalc
    2. Open the file readme.txt of this software
    3. Calculate the cash.
    4. Open another copy of HashCalc
    5. Open the file readme.txt and delete the first space fo the file.
    6. Calculate the hash of the modified file.
    7. Compare the hashes of two files.

    Recent development

    Mass Parallel Computing
    Grid Computing

    Digital Divide

    Wireless Foresight
    NTT DoCoMo Vison 2010

    Related report

    Electronic Commerce
    Sec. 2.2, 3.3

    1. Business Travel
    2. e-Ticketing

    2005年5月9日 星期一

    5/9 Homework

    Reading Assignments:
    Read Chapter 3.1 & 3.2

    1. Problem 3.1
    2. Problem 3.2
    3. Do lab Tongwen

    Lab Tongwen

    Install Tongwen 同文堂

    1. Go to Firefox Top 15 downloads
    2. Install Tongwen
    3. Visit Sina.cn
    4. Convert Simplified Chinese into Traditional Chinese

    Lab A9

    1. Go to a9.com
    2. Sign up and get a personal account.
    3. Do some keyword search.
    4. Retrieve your search history.
    5. Install a9 toolbar. Sign in this toolbar.
    6. Use this toolbar and take notes on your search results.
    7. Use this toolbar to make portable bookmarks.

    Lab Scupio

    1. Go to search by context Scupio
    2. Try enter the following excerpt

    目前有部份智慧型手機支援雙網( GSM + WiFi ),手機本身內建的 MSN Messenger,可透過 WiFi 上網

    3. Do the same search at Google. And compare the search results.

    4. Do this lab again using your own input excerpts. Compare Scupio with Google.

    5/9 Personalization


    personalized content
    * tone & manner
    * drag-and-drop template
    * personalized subject
    * personalized subscription

    do Lab Personalization

    personalized search
    * find by context
    do Lab Scupio
    * Personalize the search results
    do Lab a9

    Lab Personalization

    1. Go to Google News
    2. Add a new category from standard subjects
    3. Try to relocate the news category to a new place
    4. Delete this news category.
    5. Add a new category with your personal subject. You must enter a keyword centric to this news category.
    6. Try to relocate the news category to a new place

    2005年5月2日 星期一

    5/2 Homework

    Do Problems 1, 2, & 3 of Chapter 2, Textbook.

    Reading Assignment:
    Read Chapter 3 of Textbook.

    2005年4月27日 星期三

    Lab Stress Test

    1. Download Stress Test
    2. Take a look at the user manual.
    3. Test a static page such as http://db10g.cycu.edu.tw/cycu/cce/n01.htm(about 149 KB)
    Try at lease 3 different combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers.
    4. Test a dynamic page such as http://db10g.cycu.edu.tw/cycu/cce/n00-1.jsp?sn=652 (about 121 KB)
    Try at lease 3 different combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers.
    5. Compare the response time of both pages and explain why.

    1. Test the homepage of Yam. Can it be tested? Why or why not?

    5/2 Evolutions of Web Applications Systems

    Evolutions of Web Applications Systems
    (Chapter 2 of Textbook)

    Do Lab Stress Test

    Lab PGP

    1. Download PGP Desktop 9.0 beta
    2. Install PGP using

    Licensee Name:

    Beta Tester
    License Organization: PGP Corporation
    the license key D43H6-BL0M0-BUQA5-9VKAZ-E2HDG-4YA
    In the process of installation assistant, generate your key pairs and allow your public key to go public at keyserver.pgp.com so that your friends can use it.
    3 Check your email. Record your public key and the finger print at the Comment below this blog posting. What's the key length PGP generates?
    4. Use your Friend A's public key to encrypt a file, using PGP zip. Email this encrypted file to your Friend A and Friend B. Verify that A can decrypt the file while B cannot.

    You are invited to do Part II of Lab PGP.

    FAQ: What's PGP?

    2005年4月25日 星期一

    4/25 Homework

    1. If Google Maps is available as web service,
    propose at least five applications that can make use of this service.

    2. Due to the CYCU proxy, we didn't view the
    final results of search returned in SOAP message as in Lab VIII.
    Try this lab again in your place. Take a look at
    the XML results of your search.

    3. Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 3 of Textbook about network security.

    Lab Google Maps

    Use Google Maps to find
    1. the satellite picture of the neighborhood near 10 market st, san francisco
    2. a route on the satellite picture from 10 market st, san francisco
    to 100 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA
    3. Find baseball fields in Los Angeles using "baseball, Los Angeles" as search keywords.
    Can you find "Dodger Stadium," the baseball field and the surrounding parking lots?

    2005年4月11日 星期一

    4/25 Class Agenda

    Lab Satellite Imagery: Use Google Maps to find satellite pictures
    in the North America.

    Lab SOAP: Use SOAP Monitor to track SOAP messages.

    Lab VIII: Use SOAP to invoke Google Search Web Service.

    Lab SOAP

    1. Install SOAP Monitor at http://awwebx04.alphaworks.ibm.com/ettk/demos/wstkdoc/services/demos/index.htm#tools
    It may take a few minites to finish. The SOAP Service Monitor utility can be used to view the SOAP messages being used by Web services.

    2. Check into Basic Demos at http://awwebx04.alphaworks.ibm.com/ettk/demos/wstkdoc/services/demos/index.htm#basic
    These demos include Address Book, Attachments, Message, Stock Quote, and Hello World.

    3. For each demo you run, use the SOAP Monitor to view the SOAP Request and
    Soap Response. [Hint: Check the Reflow XML Text button to view the messages.]

    2005年3月28日 星期一

    3/28 Homework

    "nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment"

    Reading Assignments
    Study Lab VIII

    Wish you a happy spring break!

    Lab XSLT

    1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.

    2. Given the the XML file and XSLT file at http://architag.com/tag/Article.asp?v=15&i=7&p=1&s=1
    use Xray to do the transformation of the XML into HTML.

    3. View the formatted HTML file

    Exercise: Subscribe to Yam News XML by Firefox

    1. Open Firefox
    2. Enter Ctrl-B to activate Bookmark.
    3. Go to http://news.yam.com
    and look for the subscription button at the lower right corner.
    4. Make the subscription step by step.
    5. Take a look at the Bookmark at your left. Open the Yam News and start browsing news pieces.

    2005年3月27日 星期日

    4/11 Web Service

    "tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

    Lab XSLT
    Apply an XML style sheet to generate an HTML file from XML.

    Web Service

    1. find the best rate of USD remission
    2. Zip Code
    3. Stock Quote
    SOAP Monitor is used to monitor the Web Service activities.
    4. purchase a Hawaii tour with ait tkts, hotel, car rental and golf course

    What is SOAP?

    SOAP is the Simple Object Access Protocol. It is used for information exchange and RPC, usually (but not necessarily) over HTTP. More information can be found at:

    Developmentor SOAP FAQ: http://www.soaprpc.com/faqs/SoapFAQ.html

    W3C specifications: http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/

    What is WSDL?

    WSDL is the Web Service Description Language. It provides a formal description of a web service, much like CORBA's IDL. The WSDL file is all you need to know how to call the web service; toolkits can generate proxy code from a WSDL file directly. The official WSDL definition is at http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl.

    Lab Explore Google search web service.

    "nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment"

    Explore Google search web service.

    Developers write software programs that connect remotely to the Google Web APIs service. Communication is performed via the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an XML-based mechanism for exchanging typed information.

    If you have questions, you can check into FAQ.

    1. Take a close look at Web Service Description Language (WSDL 1.1) description of interface for Google searching

    2. Download the web service API of Google search at http://www.google.com/apis/download.html
    The download package includes
    Google's own Java wrapper for the API SOAP calls
    JAF 1.0.1 (activation.jar)

    3. You need to create an account at Google to use the web service. Be sure to have an email box to receive the license key.
    If you don't, just use this one nQ4ETIdQFHKlGxLZjj+2c8klYflwDzoK

    4. Open the DOS command window and prepare to run Java.
    java -cp googleapi.jar com.google.soap.search.GoogleAPIDemo [key] search Foo

    Where [key] is your registration key and Foo is the item you wish to
    search for.

    5. Take a close look at the XML output, which is the result of your search.

    Lab How to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI.

    "logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere"

    How to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI.

    1. Copy the search box of this search page,
    inlcuding radio buttons, text input, and submit button.
    2. Open your Nvu HTML editor.
    3. Open a new empty HTML file.
    4. Paste the search box into this new file.

    5. Add a Form to this search box.

    6. Set Action="http://google.com/search" and name of Form as "f" and method as "get"
    (See Hint if it does not work.)
    7. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

    8. Set method as "post"
    9. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

    Hint to Lab VI

    <form> should be placed before the text input area and </form> should be placed after the submit button.
    You can do it by manually changing the HTML code and save your changes.
    Now you can try again.

    Lab Zip Code Web Service.

    "we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"

    Test Drive a web service
    1. Take a look at the schema of Zip Code Web Service.
    2. Use the lincense key eUhOTOJs9D2mcHU6SiL0CyMQvpJ3I3PqR2/fpRq4BOApWxzSzw7wD2FQ2mOmHEk+pq6iRBomQ4wuQl5EGOgfCitYgkQ3N4vl
    to use this web service or subsbcribe to it at Zip codes lookup To apply for the license key by yourselves, be sure to have an email box to receive it.
    2. Click GetPlacesInside and play with this operation
    3. Enter 61801 as zip code and see what you get in the result.
    4. Try again 92345 as zip code

    Question: Why do you need a license key to use the service?

    2005年3月15日 星期二

    3/28 XML and Web Services

    "tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

    (page 188~193 of Text)

    Lab VI: Using HTML Form

    Understanding XML
    (page 187~188 of Text)

    XML examples:

    Subscribe to Yam News XML by Firefox.

    Lab VII: Test drive a web service with XML.

    2005年3月14日 星期一

    3/21 hypertext, http, WWW, HTML

    Introduction to Internet
    hypertext, http, WWW, HTML
    (page 181~187 of Text)

    Lab V: Create a homepage using Nvu

    Lab Accessible Webpages

    Use Nvu to edit a homepage
    like the blog at http://maplepoem.blogspot.com/2005/03/blog-post_111070085865304732.html

    1. You can copy and paste the content to your Nvu.
    2. Take a look at the HTML 標籤, HTML 原始碼
    3. Save your editings and preview your webpage using Firefox
    4. Create a clickable link at the term 中原大學 so that
    this link goes to http://www.cycu.edu.tw
    5. Make the webpage accessible by
    (1) adding ALT text to the images and
    (2) adding a title to the URL link at Step 4.
    6. Take a second look at the HTML 標籤, HTML 原始碼
    Look for the differences you have made after doing Step 4 & Step 5.
    7. Save your editings again and preview your webpage using Firefox
    8. Download web accessibility validator Freego
    9. Use Freego to examine whether your webpage is accessible.
    "通過"的欄位應該是 Yes 才算通過

    3/14 Homework

    1. Use Google to search. List some of the critiques about Skype.
    Make comments on each of these critiques.

    2. RSS and Atom are two methods that can be used to support site feed. Explain RSS and Atom with examples.
    [Hint: Blog uses Atom as site feed. At Step 4 of Lab IV, you already learn how to locate the Atom file of the blog. Yam News uses RSS. View its source and try to find the URL following "rss+xml"]

    利用 Post your comment 貼上你的blog 第三次作業時, 請註明 "
    同時讓 "
    作業三" 這三個字可以直接點選進入到你的作業三,
    只連到你的Blog 首頁是不精確的.

    Reading Assignments
    1. Read page 181~195, page 41~46

    Lab Setting your blog

    Setting your blog
    1. set date language to Chinese (Taiwan), 進入 Settings-> Formatting
    2. set Time Zone to Taipei, 進入 Settings-> Formatting
    3. set Comment Timestamp format to 星期 一, 三月十四日, 2005, 07:48:00 下午,
    進入 Settings->Comments
    4. Take a look at the site feed, 進入 Settings-> Site Feed
    5. At your own blog, create a clickable link back to http://iapblog.blogspot.com 進入 Posting-> Create
    6. Create a new blog, and then delete it. 進入 Settings-> Basic

    2005年3月13日 星期日

    Web Basics

    (page 193~194, Chap 2.1)

    client-server, client access to database server
    3-tier, business logic on the application server
    N-tier, using on-the-shelf components


    Take a look at islandwide temperatures of Taiwan.

    What happens if you just want Taoyuan's temperature?

    If you want to include Taoyuan's temperature in your Theme
    Park homepage, is there any solution?

    the need of XML
    1. Separation of data from data processor
    2. Seperation of data from presentation
      • HTML for machine-human interaction

    3. Automation of data flow across various business systems
      • XML for machine-machine interaction
      • Without human involvement, automation of business systems can be accelerated.

    Lab Features of Skype

    Features of Skype
    Lab of Skype
    0. Download Skype
    1. register to get an account
    2. Add a contact
    3. Search for Skype users
    4. Select language
    5. Make a call to your friend
    6. Change Status (Away, Not Available, Do not disturb)

    2005年3月7日 星期一

    3/14 Class Agenda

    Lab of Skype

    Introduction to Peer to Peer computing with Skype

    Lab of Tunning Blog

    3/7 Homework

    1. Bring a headset to try on Skype.
    2. Read W3C/WAI
    a. How many guidelines are there in WAI?
    b. For each guideline, name a website as its counterexample by providing its URL and
    the guideline it violates.
    3. Reading Assignment: (C) Appendix A

    Due 3/14/2005 at 18:50

    Lab Web Accessibility

    Principles of Web Accessibility

    Hands on Lab
    1. Install On Mouse Over Show ALT Attributes
    2. Check in http://www.edu.tw and http://www.cycu.edu.tw
    and 3 other sites you often go to. How well do they support web accessibility?

    Lab Get familiar with Firefox

    Get familiar with Firefox

    Hands on Lab
    1. Easy control of font size (try ctrl+ & ctrl- as many times as you like)
    2. tabbed browsing (try ctrlT)
    3. RSS feed, and support of Blog. Use the RSS feed from http://iapblog.blogspot.com/
    to subscribe to it. Also subscribe to your own blog.

    If your Firefox didn't work, you should check settings about proxy. It should be set as proxy.cycu.edu.tw at port 3128.

    3/7 Design for Web Accessibility

    Do Lab I

    Design for Web Accessibility

    Do Lab II

    2005年2月26日 星期六


    UML (Larman)

    天瓏書局 台北市中正區重慶南路一段 107 號, 鄰近火車站 (576元)

    (648 單本, 612 合購10人以上)

    電子商務 (張耀仁)

    中壢市中壢圖書城(中壢車站前站附近, 燦坤對面) 270 元(會員), 300 元 (非會員)
    中壢市雅虎書局(中壢車站前站附近, 靠近燦坤) 270 元

    2005年2月21日 星期一

    Features of Skype

    1. peer to peer, no server required, therefore, no operation cost like cellular communications
    2. overlay, not relying on existing Internet protocols beyond Layer 4, resilient to malfunctions of Internet services
    3. scalable, using supernodes among every 500 nodes, adaptive to constant configuration changes
    4. high quality codec for crystal voice
    5. strong penetration to NAT and firewalls
    6. free for now and maybe forever for on-net calls
    7. implementation of packet voice
    8. consumes reasonable bandwidth, consumes significant CPU
    9 . teleconference, voice communications for 5 parties at most
    10. millions people online all the times, number keep rising.
    11. provide presence like messengers, great feature compared to old phones

    2005年2月20日 星期日

    Features of Firefox


    Tips for achieving better performance

    1. 繳交作業

    1.1 文字式作業原則上使用 Blog: 請至 http://www.blogger.com 申請, 請以你的學號 (s開頭) 申請免費帳號。主旨欄請用以下格式 "網際網路應用系統設計作業一 " 以加速助教登錄作業成績。

    1.2 僅限老師特別指定時,以電子郵件 盡量使用@cycu.edu.tw 繳交作業,郵件主旨欄請用以下格式 "網際網路應用系統設計作業一 會計四甲 s9126333 張曉明" 以加速助教登錄作業成績。

    2. 發表學習心Blog (部落格) 發表學習心得,此部份將對Participation成績有益

    3. 課前與課後閱讀:參考課程 Blog http://iapblog.blogspot.com/ Reading Assignments 以及定期公告。課前預習有助於提高上課效果,課後閱讀是學生必做的功課。

    Syllabus: 網際網路應用系統設計

    Time: Friday at 13:10~16:00

    Place: 電子 416

    Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, Proactiveness) 50%, Homework 50%

    Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang

    Email: yjchang@cycu.edu.tw

    Teaching Assistant:



    1. 張耀仁,劉永信, 電子商務系統, 高立書局, 20011月三版.

    Course Outline

    1. 網際網路的趨勢

    Firefox, RSS, Blog, Google, Skype, VoIP, All IP Network

    2. 網際網路基本概念

    Origin, Evolution, WWW, HTTP

    3. Web 技術

    State of the art, N-Tier architecture, HTML, CGI, Database, design for scalability

    4. Web Services


    5. 電子商務系統設計

    Industry Trend, Entry Barrier, Ecology, Business Opportunities, Best Practices

    Competitive Strategies, Differentiation, Pricing, Niche. Implementation

    6. 網路安全系統設計

    Public Key Infrastructure, Digital Signature, SSL, Firewall, NAT, Watermark

    7. 數位學習系統設計

    User demands, Trends, Entry Barriers, Opportunities, Business Strategies

    8. 無障礙網路空間設計

    Accessibility, principles, implementations, verification, certification

    2005年2月19日 星期六

    2/21 Introductory talk

    whale vs. 虱目魚,


    Rational Rose Process

    2/21 Homework

    1. Create your own blog. 請至 http://www.blogger.com 申請, 請以你的學號 (s開頭) 申請免費帳號。
    2. (C) Exercise 1.1
    3. (C) Exercise Appendix A #7
    4. Reading Assignment: (C) Appendix A

    Due 3/7/2005 at 18:50

    Please write your homework at your own blog. Then post your blog URL here using
    Post a comment so that your submission can be timemarked and your classmates can take a look of your work.


    (C) 張耀仁,劉永信, 電子商務系統, 高立書局, 20011月三版.

    (L) Craig Larman UML 與樣式徹底研究 (Applying UML and Patterns, 2/e) Prentice-Hall, 中文版, 趙光正翻譯, 2002.