2008年6月20日 星期五

Lab Web Stress Test

1. Download Stress Test
2. Take a look at the user manual.
3. Test a static page.
Try combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers to simulate 10 users and 100 users.
4. Test a dynamic page.
Try combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers to simulate 10 users and 100 users.
5. Compare the response time of both pages and explain why.

Lab Site Traffic Metrics

1. Enter Sitemeter.
2. Put a Sitemeter in your own blog.
2. Check the site meter to see the daily traffic chart, the recent visitors by locations.

Lab Testing User Interface

For housing services, compare the three websites

List the differences in the user interface design and usability. Make comments
by your use experiences.


example: TMM

2008年6月16日 星期一

中原大學電子系輔具科技夏令營 2008


邀請熱情的妳/你參加中原大學電子系輔具科技夏令營 2008,結合先端科技為弱勢服務,就從這裡開始。


2008年6月8日 星期日

Lab Google Mars (AJAX)

1. Observe how Google Mars loads the map and does the zooming. Is the data downloaded once
for all or retrieved on demand?

2. HTML alone cannot perform the functions of Google Mars. So find out which code in the HTML
source does the map things.

Hints: You may use Nvu to determine what HTML tags are for what.

Lab Simple Use of Web Service

"we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"

Test Drive a web service
1. Take a look at the schema of Zip Code Web Service.
2. Use the lincense key eUhOTOJs9D2mcHU6SiL0CyMQvpJ3I3PqR2/fpRq4BOApWxzSzw7wD2FQ2mOmHEk+pq6iRBomQ4wuQl5EGOgfCitYgkQ3N4vl
to use this web service or subsbcribe to it at Zip codes lookup To apply for the license key by yourselves, be sure to have an email box to receive it.
2. Click GetPlacesInside and play with this operation
3. Enter 61801 as zip code and see what you get in the result.
4. Try again 92345 as zip code

Question: Why do you need a license key to use the service?

Web Services

talk on web service

AJAX 與 web service 有何異同?

What is SOAP?

SOAP is the Simple Object Access Protocol. It is used for information exchange and RPC, usually (but not necessarily) over HTTP. More information can be found at:

Developmentor SOAP FAQ: http://www.soaprpc.com/faqs/SoapFAQ.html

W3C specifications: http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/

What is WSDL?

WSDL is the Web Service Description Language. It provides a formal description of a web service, much like CORBA's IDL. The WSDL file is all you need to know how to call the web service; toolkits can generate proxy code from a WSDL file directly. The official WSDL definition is at http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl.

期末報告題目已公佈 Due: 6/22/2008 at 18:00


2008年6月7日 星期六

Homework 6-7-2008

Content analysis做完之後,請針對分析數字結果,給予適當詮釋,背後的現象是什麼? (至少100字)

2008年6月6日 星期五

Lab Packet Sniffer

1. Install Protocol Analyzer Ethereal at http://www.wireshark.org/
2. Capture the packets at your Ethernet interface card.
3. Enter a login required website that you often go to, such as web mail. Don't use the real account or password.
4. Try to catch the packet that contains the password.



2008年6月4日 星期三


1. Try Yam membership enrollment
for using SSL encrypted Internet communications.
2. Note the lock at the lower right corner is secured when SSL is enabled.
3. Click the lock icon and a message window should pop up.
4. What kind of encryption is used in this SSL? How many bits are there in the encryption key?
5. Who issued the certificate you are seeing? (Who is the certificate authority, CA, for this website?)
6. Until when is the certificate valid?
7. What kind(s) of hash is/are used in the CA's digital signature?
8. How many bits are there in the hash(es)?

6-6-2008 Network Security

Lecture on network secutiry and the theory of public key
(Chapter 3 of Textbook)

Secrect Key

*a key for encryption is also for decryption
*fast encryption and decryption
*problem with key distribution
*problem with keeping many keys

Public Key

*private key and public key
*public usually posted on an open directory
*private key must be kept in absolute private to oneself
*good for encryption and signature

Hash function
*fixed length of 128 or 256 bits

do Lab Hash

Digital Signature
* privated key encrypted fingerprint of a plain text
*transmitted along with the plain text for verification

Man-in-the-middle attack

Digital Certificate
* Public Key signed with Certificate Authority

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
* Using Digital Certificate, Digital Signature, Public Key Encryption, Hash (Message Digest)
* Instead of encrypting the sender's original text, only the session key generated by the sender is encrypted by the receiver's public key.
* The session key is valid throughout a session and not any longer.
* SSL is proposed by Netscape, Inc.
* https is actually http enhanced by SSL. https uses port 443 while http uses port 80.

範圍: 課本Chap. 3