2006年9月29日 星期五
Homework 2 Sep-29-2006
2. Install Skype at your computer.
Use Skype to make a voice call with your friend(s). Note Skype can support up to 5 persons.
Describe with whom you conduct your test, the environment (bandwidth and computer configuration) you and your friend(s) make calls, and the voice quality such as smoothness,
delay, and jitter.
2006年9月22日 星期五
Lab Google Maps
CYCU at http://maps.google.com
Format: +4° 57' 31.02", -121° 14' 28.12"
Lab Multimedia Plugin
be able to see how multimedia plugin works.
Introduction to Internet
(page 181~187 of Text)
client applications:
plugin/embed (movie, nusic player),
standalone (Skype, Google Earth)
Lab Multimedia Plugin
Lab Google Maps
Homework 1 Sep-22-2006
1. Personalize the links of your blog. Namely, Remove Edit-Me and place a real link.
2. Reading Assignment:
hypertext, http, WWW
(page 181~187 of Text)
3. Write an essay to comment on
Andy Lark's "The Web vs. Blogging"
that contrasts the world of blogs with the traditional websites. He compiled the following comparison list to show the deifferences.
Web= Organized Blog=Chaotic
Web=Predictable Blog=Unpredictable
Web=Find Blog=Browse
Web=Comprehensively Blog=Imcompletely Deep
Web=Broad Blog=Niche
Web=Slow Blog=Instant
Web=Cold Blog=Warm
Web=Transmission Blog=Conversation
Web=Place Blog=Community
Web=Annonymous Blog=Personal
Web=Company Blog=People
Web=Content Blog=Expression
Web=Cookie Cutter Blog=Individual
Web=Closed Blog=Participatory
Web=Unresponsive Blog=Give Thanks
2006年9月21日 星期四
Advantages of Using Firefox
2. tabbed browsing
3. better meta control
4. RSS feed, and support of Blog
5. less vulnerable to computer virus
Lab 2: Using Firefox
1. download Firefox 1.5
2. control font size
3. tabbed browsing
4. subscribe to the course blog
5. Using bookmarks to test RSS feed
Hands on
1. Easy control of font size (try ctrl+ & ctrl- as many times as you like)
2. tabbed browsing (try ctrlT)
3. RSS feed, and support of Blog. Use the RSS feed from http://iapblog.blogspot.com/
to subscribe to it. Also subscribe to your own blog.
If your Firefox didn't work, you should check settings about proxy. It should be set as proxy.cycu.edu.tw at port 3128.
Lab 1: Create your own blog
2. 請將你的作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 或 Lab 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.
請勿將作業直接寫在 comment
3. 留言顯示驗證詞
4. 正確設定時區顯示時間
5. 測試他人可否留言(comment)
6. 設定每當有人在您的 Blog 上留下意見時,Blogger會寄電子郵件到您的這個email
Thoughts on Internet
Microsoft was king but Google is the new one.
Web 2.0
platform provider instead of content provider. Build the right platform and the right time and the content will come and rest upon.
the platform is the portal, the one stop shop for things that are one of a kind. Content cannot afford to be placed elsewhere because this is the only place most people go to.
Marketing with not to
content provided by users, promoted by users. It spreads like virus.
Business Models
ads placed by the platform provider. ads most likely in text form, context matched with the user-provided content
Electronic Commerce (EC) and online services continue to expand
Mobile Commerce continues to find the way out
Syllabus of Internet Applications 2006
Place: 電子 416
Grading Policy: Participation (Presence, Challenging and Answers, Proactiveness) 50%, Homework 50%
Instructor: Associate Professor Yao-Jen Chang
Teaching Assistant:
1. 張耀仁,劉永信, 電子商務系統, 高立書局, 2001年1月三版.
Course Outline
1. 網際網路的趨勢
Firefox, RSS, Blog, Google, Skype, VoIP, P2P, All IP Network (Comments)
2. 網際網路基本概念
Origin, Evolution, WWW, HTTP
(Chapter 2 of textbook)
3. Web 技術
State of the art, N-Tier architecture, HTML, CGI, Database, design for scalability
(Appendix of textbook)
4. Web Services
5. 網路安全系統設計
Public Key Infrastructure, Digital Signature, SSL, Firewall, NAT, Watermark
(Chapter 3 of textbook)
6. 無障礙網路空間設計
Accessibility, principles, implementations, verification, certification
mark distrbibution of spring 2006
mark distribution of the previous semester of fall 2005