2006年5月30日 星期二

Lab Testing User Interface

For housing services, compare the three websites

List the differences in the user interface design and usability. Make comments
by your use experiences.

2006年5月26日 星期五

Real time satellite tracking

Check it out

It is a mashup of Google Map and satellite teacking data.

More applications of Google Maps

Lab Widget

1. Download Yahoo Widget Engine
2. Download AmazonBrowser
3. Compare the user experience between AmazonBrowser and the Amazon website
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of widgets comparing to web browsers?

2006年5月19日 星期五

Homework 05-19-2006 期末作業網站計畫書

期末作業網站計畫書包含閱讀對象選定, 主題設定, 內容與架構規劃, 常態性經營, 預計達成指標值與影響力預估,

題目可以環繞你所參加的社團, 你的家鄉或社區, 你的分享與關心, 你的朋友, 高中同學, 電影, 音樂, 學業, 生涯,
試著以部落格創造凝聚力, 進而引起注意或發揮影響力.參閱如何宣傳你的部落格.

2006年5月12日 星期五

Lab Web Stress Test

1. Download Stress Test
2. Take a look at the user manual.
3. Test a static page such as http://db10g.cycu.edu.tw/cycu/cce/n01.htm(about 149 KB)
Try combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers to simulate 10 users and 100 users.
4. Test a dynamic page such as http://db10g.cycu.edu.tw/cycu/cce/n00-1.jsp?sn=652 (about 121 KB)
Try combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers to simulate 10 users and 100 users.
5. Compare the response time of both pages and explain why.

Lab Site Meter

想知道有多少人曾造訪你的 blog, 想瞭解進入你網站的流量相關資訊? 以下的 Lab 利用 Site Meter 提供的服務達到這個目的.

1. 進入 Site Meter
2. 依據說明執行所述5 個步驟.
3. 進入你的部落格, 然後從Site Meter圖示進入觀看你的流量.
4. 想一想, Site Meter 的原理是什麼?

Lab Promote Your Blog

1. Add a mail-to button on each article on your blog so that readers who like it can help distribute to other potential readers. You may need to go to the configuration page to activate the function.

2. Leave a comment on your friend's blog to input your feedback.

Blog 的宣傳技巧

摘錄自 Biz Stone 宣傳你的部落格

比較 BBS 討論區 留言版


關於線上發布的版權, 可以參閱 creative commons, 創用CC

2006年5月10日 星期三

Homework 5-12-2006 Part2, Learning by Video

source: Cisco

The Impact of Infrastructure on Service Oriented Architectures
IT is experiencing the advent of a fundamental change in architecture for both applications and the underlying infrastructure. Hear directly from Cisco's own IT organization about their experience with the evolution towards virtualized infrastructure and service orientation.
Guido Jouret, VP of IT Strategy Consulting at Cisco Systems;
Brian Christensen, Director of Data Center Systems in the IT organization at Cisco Systems;
Hicham Tout, Application Integration Architect in the IT organization at Cisco Systems;
Bobby Guhasarkar, Data Center Marketing Manager

  1. Download Video!
  2. Write down your experiences watching this informational video.
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote learning by video archives?

Homework 5-12-2006 Part I, Experiencing Webcast

Wireless Technology: Spelling 'Security' with Alphabet Soup
April 13, 2006, 2 p.m. EST, 11 a.m PDT
Speaker: Charlie Schluting, Columnist, EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet.com

  1. Click http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/webcast/article.php/3584806
  2. Write down your experiences watching this informational webcast.
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote learning by webcast?

2006年5月9日 星期二


目前國內並沒有文化入口網, 在國外有以下例子

法國 http://www.culture.fr/
澳洲 Culture and Recreation Portal
波蘭 culture.pl
德國 Culture Portal

因為文化是一個綜合性的現象, 與文化相關的網站很有挑戰性,
幾乎很少有水準之上的作品, 很多此類網站一開始的定位就有問題了,


相關網站; 台灣 網路劇院

2006年5月5日 星期五

Homework 05-05-2006 AJAX Droppables

You have studied Lab Draggables. Download the demo Drag and Drop codes, install it.
Study and play with examples. You may do some changes using NVu.

To take a look at the Javascript code that does the trick, you can install UltraEdit which can
format the JavaScript code properly and nicely.

Lab Checking dead links

W3C Link Check 可以檢查 dead links, 而且只要輸入首頁,
就可以依據指定深度自動向下檢查, 而且也可以檢查對外連結(外站).

Link Checker 首先要設定檢查深度(Check linked documents recursively, recursion depth=?), 如果沒有設定, 它就只有檢查首頁.
因此如果出現 deadlink, 就是在首頁.

如果你設定檢查深度, 它就會逐一檢查此深度內的每一頁,
在檢查某一頁開始時, 它會先顯示現正在檢查的 URL, 然後
在逐一爬行該頁內每個 link.

報表輸出很漂亮. 請參閱

請檢查三個你最常使用的網站, 看看連結的品質如何?
紀錄有錯誤連結 (HTTP Error 404) 的次數.