2005年4月27日 星期三

Lab Stress Test

1. Download Stress Test
2. Take a look at the user manual.
3. Test a static page such as http://db10g.cycu.edu.tw/cycu/cce/n01.htm(about 149 KB)
Try at lease 3 different combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers.
4. Test a dynamic page such as http://db10g.cycu.edu.tw/cycu/cce/n00-1.jsp?sn=652 (about 121 KB)
Try at lease 3 different combinations of stress levels and stress multipliers.
5. Compare the response time of both pages and explain why.

1. Test the homepage of Yam. Can it be tested? Why or why not?

5/2 Evolutions of Web Applications Systems

Evolutions of Web Applications Systems
(Chapter 2 of Textbook)

Do Lab Stress Test


1. Download PGP Desktop 9.0 beta
2. Install PGP using

Licensee Name:

Beta Tester
License Organization: PGP Corporation
the license key D43H6-BL0M0-BUQA5-9VKAZ-E2HDG-4YA
In the process of installation assistant, generate your key pairs and allow your public key to go public at keyserver.pgp.com so that your friends can use it.
3 Check your email. Record your public key and the finger print at the Comment below this blog posting. What's the key length PGP generates?
4. Use your Friend A's public key to encrypt a file, using PGP zip. Email this encrypted file to your Friend A and Friend B. Verify that A can decrypt the file while B cannot.

You are invited to do Part II of Lab PGP.

FAQ: What's PGP?

2005年4月25日 星期一

4/25 Homework

1. If Google Maps is available as web service,
propose at least five applications that can make use of this service.

2. Due to the CYCU proxy, we didn't view the
final results of search returned in SOAP message as in Lab VIII.
Try this lab again in your place. Take a look at
the XML results of your search.

3. Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 3 of Textbook about network security.

Lab Google Maps

Use Google Maps to find
1. the satellite picture of the neighborhood near 10 market st, san francisco
2. a route on the satellite picture from 10 market st, san francisco
to 100 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA
3. Find baseball fields in Los Angeles using "baseball, Los Angeles" as search keywords.
Can you find "Dodger Stadium," the baseball field and the surrounding parking lots?

2005年4月11日 星期一

4/25 Class Agenda

Lab Satellite Imagery: Use Google Maps to find satellite pictures
in the North America.

Lab SOAP: Use SOAP Monitor to track SOAP messages.

Lab VIII: Use SOAP to invoke Google Search Web Service.


1. Install SOAP Monitor at http://awwebx04.alphaworks.ibm.com/ettk/demos/wstkdoc/services/demos/index.htm#tools
It may take a few minites to finish. The SOAP Service Monitor utility can be used to view the SOAP messages being used by Web services.

2. Check into Basic Demos at http://awwebx04.alphaworks.ibm.com/ettk/demos/wstkdoc/services/demos/index.htm#basic
These demos include Address Book, Attachments, Message, Stock Quote, and Hello World.

3. For each demo you run, use the SOAP Monitor to view the SOAP Request and
Soap Response. [Hint: Check the Reflow XML Text button to view the messages.]